Sunday, May 10, 2020

America s Sex Education System - 1292 Words

This documentary is about Shelby Knox who wants to change the sex education system in Lubbox. Lubbox is a town that has the highest teen pregnancy and STI rates in the country. Lubbox teaches abstinence only sex education which is clearly not working. Shelby tried to convince the school and others to teach kids a comprehensive sex education. Lubbox is a very conservative and Christian town which means that most people believe that sex is only something for straight married couples. Abstinence only sex education in schools follows these Christian beliefs. Kids are not being taught accurate information about STI’s, condoms, other methods of birth control if they are being taught about them at all. Since teens are not being taught how to have safe sex, they are having sex without condoms or other birth control methods and this is why the teen pregnancy and STI rates are so high. The Christian and conservative groups of Lubbox believe that all kids should be taught abstinence despite what the student’s beliefs are. Not everyone in Lubbox is a Christian who believes that sex should be saved for marriage and nothing is being done to educate those people who want to have sex before marriage. People have very strong views about when to have sex whether it be before marriage or after marriage. I really sympathized with Shelby throughout the film while she was trying to better her community through comprehensive sex education. I felt her frustration when the school board was not evenShow MoreRelatedEssay On Title 9 Law1490 Words   |  6 Pagesperson in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.† (Wikipedia) In 1964, although the Civil Right Act has been designed to punish discrimination in almost all field on account of sex, religion, race, etc., it did not realize there is discrimination in public education too until 1972. And the Title IX was introduced byRead MoreSexual Education And Its Effects On America Essay1610 Words   |  7 PagesSexual education seems to have always been a controversial topic in America. 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