Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Feminism Why Should It Exist And Be Required - 1428 Words

Feminism: Why Should it Exist and be Required? An American Activist by the name of Charlotte Bunch once said, â€Å"Feminism is an entire world view or gestalt, not just a laundry list of women’s issues.† Feminism can be known as the broad range of ideas, approaches, and ideologies directed towards advocating for gender equality for all. Feminism is a movement that seeks to achieve equality and social rights for everyone in all key areas which includes; education, personal, economic, employment, cultural sphere of human endeavors. While it is said by others that feminism is only about the women and making them the dominant gender of all, it is the changemaking of the world for gender equality and the chance for life changing moments for women. First, feminism emphasizes the establishment for gender equality within humanity. For example, there is an inequality with income pay between men and women leaving a gender wage gap of 21% (Hill). The average woman earns 79 cents for every dollar earned by a man (Hill). Not only that, women of different races such as being Latina and African American have an even bigger wage gap with a 53% and 63% wage gap between men (Hill). Why is it that because of one’s gender whether male or female, there are sudden wage gaps between the two? Feminist organizations such as HeforShe for instance, is currently on the run to establishing equal pay among genders as soon as possible after the years of this ongoing inequality with paychecks since it wasShow MoreRelatedComparative Perspectives On Concepts Of Gender, Ethnicity And Race886 Words   |  4 Pagesthat within different countries exists two opposing types of feminism Difference feminism and Equality feminism. Tripp places each type of feminism in the context of different countries to measure their effectiveness and compatibility with the pre-existing political landscape and cultural attitudes. 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For a very long time, women have struggled to find common ground within the dynamics of male dominant cultures. Feminism is the advocacy of women rights in the political, social, and economic equality to men. One would think that as the political, social, and economic structures change, more women would gain more rights just as fair a s those to men. Well that’s not exactly the case. For many yearsRead MoreThe Yellow Wall Paper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1353 Words   |  6 PagesI’ve always believed that feminism was essential for all women who wished to be looked as equal to men. In today’s modern society, women are granted more opportunities and respect and have achieved major success. However, women were not always seen as independent and self sufficient, but rather seen as weak, domestic, and dependant compared to men. 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The difference approach discussed here, following Haslanger and Hackett,1 may elsewhere be called radical, cultural, or gynocentric feminism. Recall that the basic nugget of thought underlying the sameness approach was the thought that men and women,2 in whatever way matters, are similar enough to warrant similar treatment. Insofar as they are denied similar treatment, they are wrongedRead MoreAccording to Pateman, What is Patriarchy?1345 Words   |  6 Pagespatriarchy has moved from a sex-r ight to a â€Å"paternal power or father-right†. The paternal patriarchy debate, with particular reference to feminism, has tended to deviate the topic from the subject of the relationship between husband and wife to paternalism (Pateman, p.27, 28). Feminism is not perceived possible without patriarchy related concepts; although feminism has focused intensely on maternal rights (p.20). Patriarchy was reduced to reference paternal power over children but loses its strengthRead MoreThe Doll s House By Henry Ibsen And The Glass Menagerie1101 Words   |  5 Pages11-15-2015 Paper 2 According to â€Å"The doll’s house† by Henry Ibsen and the â€Å"Glass Menagerie† by Tennessee Williams, women are portrayed as very resilient characters capable of overcoming adversity, both plays tell strong stories about feminism. Literally, Feminism is the advocacy of women’s right on the ground of social, political and economic equality to men. Henry Ibsen sets up the female main character, Nora, as a wife. However, unlike Henry Ibsen, Tennessee Williams features Tom, a male characterRead MoreMarxism, Feminism And The Works Of Max Weber1584 Words   |  7 PagesThe following essay is an attempt to explain and evaluate Marxism, Feminism and the works of Max Weber. I will also attempt to relate each of these different sociological explanations to contemporary society. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Puberty Blues Study Free Essays

Society has changed dramatically since the 1970’s, especially for teenagers and the newer generations. Although in some ways it is still similar. It seems the biggest impact on these changes all result from technology. We will write a custom essay sample on Puberty Blues Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now The introduction of the internet, mobile phones and social networking, in my eyes, has changed everything. The way families communicate is one of the major differences I have noticed after watching ‘Puberty Blues’, a television series set in the 1970’s, about a series of families and teenagers making their way through life, puberty and problems they might encounter on a daily basis. The show previewed the way people communicated with each other, always using a voice. Either they called each other via home phone, which meant minimum privacy from your parents. Or talking face-to-face†¦ In one scene, the family were sitting down to dinner when the phone kept ringing, her mother, assuming it was her best friend, said it can wait. It was then from a murmur that it was established by the parents that it was in fact a boyfriend calling for her. These forms of communications are in itself rare today as a majority of teenagers and adolescents text or message each other and these portable devices with locks and codes means maximum privacy. Today, we meet people on Facebook and other social networking sites. And it’s from these profiles that you can establish many things about a person and make a first judgement. Statistics show 34% of Australia’s population with a Facebook account are of those between 13 and 24. Not to mention the issue of fake accounts and predators online that can ‘groom’ vulnerable teenagers and drain personal information out of them. School during these two different periods of time are quite similar. Cliche groups were very noticeable, the popular kids ECT. For instance in the show, the ‘North Cronulla’ teenagers were picked on and seen as weird, not as cool. You had the students who truanted, rebelled against their teachers although it was noticed how much bullying occurred back in the day, where as now, it is frowned upon, a majority of students are against it and will defend one-another. Another difference noticed was of sexual relationships, boyfriends and girlfriends, expectations and behaviour. Knowledge about sex and expectations has been learnt very differently in the past. School sex education is important, yet most of us learn little of what we know about sex from our schooling especially in the 1970’s. We’re it appeared everything was learn from friends, from family whereas today the media has an effect on our knowledge and recourses. Professor Michael Reiss said the following about sex education in the 70’s†¦ ‘By the start of the 1970s, school sex education was beginning to change significantly, no doubt largely in response to the great social changes of the 1960s and ‘70s. Biology textbooks started to provide fuller accounts of the human reproductive systems, while methods of contraception began to be taught more widely. The emphasis was mostly on the provision of accurate information, and aims of sex education programmes included a decrease in ignorance, guilt, embarrassment and anxiety. Issues to do with relationships were probably more often discussed in programmes of personal and social education, or their equivalents, rather than in biology lessons. In the case of ‘Puberty Blues’ the relationships were based very much on sex life. The males had high expectations of the females, it didn’t seen to affect the kids (except some females) if they didn’t talk or have fun as it was all about sexual activities. A majority of the males treated the girls horribly and talked disrespectfully to their mates about their sexual encounters. The girls would do anything to be accepted, to have a good relationship (although the standard of a decent relationship wasn’t very high). In the case of the protagonists in the series, they both began as regular students, in no particular group; they were at first bullied by the ‘cool kids’. It was then that they started participating in dangerous activities just to fit in (drinking alcohol and smoking), this wasn’t quite peer pressure, but under the circumstances of wanting to fit in, they felt it was necessary, which sadly worked for them. The pressure began after they had been accepted and became romantic with other boys; they were forced into sex by not only the males but the more experienced girls in the group. The consequences that came with these actions included hurting their self respect and general morals, sneaking behind parents backs that wouldn’t approve and having to give their black-mailing brother cigarettes to keep him quiet. They may have also gained a reputation in societies eyes, especially other parents and their own. Today, relationships are entirely different for teenagers. Yes in some cases there is an expectation for sexual activity down the track but nothing immediate like in ‘Puberty Blues’. It’s more important to have a healthy and trustworthy relationship, to be able to talk and have fun, enjoy each other’s company. I can’t exactly speak on behalf of males but I still feel there is a touch of disrespect towards women in terms of the privacy of relationship details. According to ‘Teens Health’ the 7 necessities for a healthy relationship are- Mutual Respect, trust, honesty, support, fairness/equality, separate identities and good communications which the relationships in ‘Puberty Blues’ and even most today were lacking some or a lot of. Other risk taking behaviour included drink driving and smoking for adults too. At this stage in time, the severity and impacts smoking can have on someone had not been specified or broadcasted compared to what it is today. The only restriction was to younger people, not that it stopped them. Quote Terry Martin (article writer, 70’s smoker) – ‘When I was a young smoker back in the mid 70s, attitudes about tobacco were a lot different than they are today. A person could light up just about anywhere, and while we all knew that cigarette smoking was hazardous to our health, we were in the dark ages about just how dangerous it really was. Smokers were accepted by society and smoking was tolerated to a degree we can’t fathom today. ’ Drink driving was also swept under the carpet, it wasn’t seen as quite a big deal, whereas after many crashes and lives lost over the years, people started to spread awareness and bring in stronger law enforcement into place. Lastly, drug use was showed a lot on the series , notably by the teenage boys mainly smoking weed, as it is also quite relevant still today in high school students. In both scenarios it has been and is still illegal although this remains to change little to the situation. Overall a lot has changed over the years, but this sense of rebellion by the younger generation remains and will continue too. We can only hope that after seeing so much improvement over the years after watching ‘Puberty Blues’ that we can appreciate it and continue to improve it for years to come. http://www. socialbakers. com/facebook-statistics/australia http://www. open. edu/openlearn/body-mind/health/health-studies/brief-history-sex-education http://quitsmoking. about. com/od/antismokingresources/a/tobaccoepidemic. htm How to cite Puberty Blues Study, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Love Analysis free essay sample

Romeo and Juliet: the classic love story. But one has to explore what types of love this refers to. Romantic love is the most obvious; indeed this love is communicated between the two main characters throughout the majority of the play. The first sign of Romeo’s feelings towards Juliet is in the first act, scene five so it’s quite near the beginning of the play. â€Å"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night. † Act 1, scene 5, lines 51-52 This implies that Romeo’s short-lived courtly obsession with Rosaline was nothing in comparison to the emotions he was now feeling. It is, to be cliched, love at first sight. However Romeo is describing Juliet more as an object a â€Å"true beauty† implying that any other woman he has seen before this was not a beauty – not really. This does seem to be rather exaggerated and conflicts with how Romeo was earlier describing Rosaline: as â€Å"rich in beauty†. Romeo becomes more devoted and passionate as he moves further into his relationship with Juliet. After the wedding night, although Romeo must leave before dawn he is so consumed by true love that he tells Juliet he will risk death just to stay with her a little while longer. â€Å"I have more care to stay than will to go; Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. How is’t, my soul? Let’s talk it is not day. † Act 3, scene 5, lines 23-25 The two top lines are a lovely example of the language feature; a sonnet. When Romeo and Juliet first meet they speak mainly in sonnets, as this was ot only poetry symbolising love, but it also shows the connection between the couple – when they can finish each other’s sentences in rhyme, there truly is a chemistry. In the above quote, Romeo is no longer using the fickle, poetic language of the infatuated lover as before when he described his â€Å"love† for Rosaline: â€Å"Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate, O any thing of nothing first create! † Act 1, scene 1, lines 176-177 These two q uotes, although they both refer to romantic love, differ greatly. Romeo is describing how he feels in both quotes but because he is more to the point when he speaks to Juliet about how he feels. It seems as if Romeo is hiding the fact he feels only Courtly love for Rosaline behind long elaborate wordplay and oxymorons – it implies that it is not sincere, and is quite childish in a way. One would expect that Romeo has read of noble knights speaking of their love interests in this manner, and is simply copying their style and idolising these great warriors. However, his passion for Juliet causes him to tell her the strength of his love in a much more realistically and truthfully – from the heart, and he really seems to grow up. Here, Shakespeare is cleverly creating a contrast of the â€Å"artificial† love and obsession with Rosaline that makes Romeo act in a very effeminate way, with the true heartfelt adoration Romeo has for Juliet, even though it is only young love. This particular technique may be less effective with a more modern audience; who is more used to true love lasting over a period before marriage, but with an Elizabethan audience, they are more accustomed to â€Å"rushing into things† perhaps even because the lack of stability they have regarding their life expectancy. Therefore when Romeo and Juliet marry, it pans out as much more like true love, than a modern audience would see. However there is still a significant contrast in courtly and true passionate love which convincingly develops the bond between Romeo and Juliet audiences of both times, and makes the tragedy of both their deaths at the end seem so much more heart wrenching and devastating. Throughout the play, Juliet also goes on her own emotional journey as she falls in love with Romeo and then defies her family to be with him. When the audience first sees Juliet, she is just a young inexperienced child of only thirteen, sitting with her nurse and mother who are both beginning to think about marriage for her. Many directors of this play have interpreted this particular scene very differently, depending on the message they wish to give the audience. Indeed, some plays have depicted Juliet in this scene as much too young to marry; perhaps she would enter eating sweets, or playing puerile games as she listens to Lady Capulet describe a man lined up to marry her. These particular plays tend to be of a more modern era to put across just how juvenile Juliet was at this time, because in the 16th and 17th centuries it was much more usual for a girl in her early teens to be married than it is now. Juliet is in awe of marriage before she meets Romeo – her perception of it is a great and noble thing that she, at that point, feels too inadequate for: â€Å"Lady Capulet: How stands your disposition to be married? Juliet: It is an honour I dream not of† Act 1, scene 3 lines 65-66. Lady Capulet responds to this by comparing Juliet to herself, as Lady Capulet was married before Juliet’s age (see later notes), and on asking Juliet’s opinion, she answers in a passive and obedient way: â€Å"Ill look to like, if looking liking move: But no more deep will I endart mine eye Than your consent gives strength to make it fly. † Act 1, scene 3, lines 97-99 This quote is an example of Shakespeare’s setting up a â€Å"primary† Juliet, if you like, who Shakespeare can then develop throughout the play into a young and independent woman, who knows in her own mind who she really loves, no matter what her parents think. Here, Juliet is showing her devotion to her family – in short, her love of Lady Capulet makes Juliet want to please her by naively doing whatever Lady Capulet wishes her to do, which is to have a young arranged marriage. These were very common in Elizabethan times and the Elizabethan audience would therefore see Juliet’s rebellion against this as a very controversial thing to do and explains the life-changing impact her love for Romeo has on her, which of course makes the story all the more dramatic for them. However, this aspect of the play for the modern audience is seen in a very different way, as arranged marriages are so uncommon nowadays and are often thought of as unfair and controlling of the parents. The modern audience will then see Juliet’s rebellion not as dramatic exactly, but as a triumphant escape instead. Of course, in complete contrast to Lady Capulet’s wishes, Juliet later on in the play marries a man whom she totally adores, but is worst enemy to her entire family. She then chooses to end her own life when she discovers he is dead. The transformation of the immature, naive Juliet into the independent, passionate determined Juliet happens throughout the play, but with key markers such as: meeting Romeo for the first time; their wedding night together (which symbolises Juliet growing up from a young girl into a young woman); the point at which she informs her father that she will not be marrying Paris as he wants her to and he revolts her; and when she sees Romeo dead beside her. â€Å"He shall not make me there a joyful bride. I wonder at this haste; that I must wed I pray you, tell my lord and father, madam, I will not marry yet† Act 3, scene 5, lines 117-118, 120-121. Here is evidence that Juliet’s attitude towards the wishes of her parents has completely changed. This quite rude quote by Juliet in answer to Lady Capulet’s information that Paris will marry her is in such contrast in comparison to the quote above that in which Juliet vows to obey her mother, that the metamorphosis of Juliet’s will is clearly shown. Her love for Romeo is creating such a strong emotion in her that she is acting assertively in a way that she would obviously never have considered before learning what love really was. She even lies to her father about confessing and agreeing to marry Paris, which is in conflict with what her religion teaches. Therefore she and Friar Lawrence (who helps her) are showing she has prioritised that her love for Romeo, and Friar Lawrence’s will to make Juliet happy are more important. Friar Lawrence could be described as the source of paternal love for Juliet as he is the person who understands that she loves Romeo, and is willing to help her. Although romantic love is the most important theme throughout the play, the storyline also includes strong themes of paternal/maternal love. For instance, Juliet is particularly close, not to her mother, but to the nurse who has cared for her since birth, because in the 15-1600s (in such contrast to today) it was seen as normal for an important and wealthy lady to completely wash her hands of the labours of bringing up her child. This practice is certainly frowned upon in today’s society because it seems our morals have changed – for better not worse. A mother neglecting her child is rightfully seen as an unacceptable thing nowadays, and men have a much larger role in childcare. Juliet’s father seems utterly unattached to his daughter – his only wishes are not for her happiness but for the wealth of his family, which shows how his not being involved with Juliet’s upbringing has depleted any affection he might have had for her. The nurse whom he and Lady Capulet employed instead would dress, clean, breastfeed and care for the baby who was not hers. Therefore an extremely strong bond mutually exists between the nurse and the older Juliet. â€Å"Peace, I have done. God mark thee to his grace, Thou wast the prettiest babe that e’er I nursed. And I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish. Act 1, scene 3 lines 60-63. This quote shows only a small part of the Nurse’s motherly devotion to Juliet. After a long monologue when the Nurse explains she had another child who died before Juliet, she ends with a rude sexual joke and a compliment to Juliet with a wish for her to marry soon (before the nurse dies). It seems as th ough the nurse feels she has revealed almost too much about her past life and love for Juliet (especially in front of Lady Capulet who has little respect for her), and some kind of defence mechanism comes into action – she starts making crude jokes about â€Å"falling backward†. As the nurse ends with her wish to see Juliet married in this quote, the audience might almost think that the nurse is just as obsessed with marriage instead of true love as Lady Capulet is, with a hard determination to control Juliet’s life and marry her into a rich family with a good reputation, as young as possible. However, when you look at scenes further on and observe actions that the Nurse takes to ensure that Juliet marries Romeo – a kind and loving husband, no matter what his reputation with the Capulets is – the audience begins to ealises she really does have entirely different motives to Juliet’s mother. Perhaps it is something to do with her social class – as she is only a servant to the Capulets she has less wealth and is also less involved in the feud between the two houses. This means that the Nurse will understand that love is most important in a marriage, not riches or status. Lady Capulet however, married young and the wife of (wha t some would describe as) a money-obsessed, much her senior man, seems never to have known real love, therefore clouding her judgements for Juliet. However, in some interpretations of the play – such as Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 film – Lady Capulet is openly shown to be having an affair with Tybalt, her nephew. It seems as if this particular relationship was not based around love, but around lust and physical attraction, showing a further misunderstanding of Lady Capulet regarding true love and almost depicting her as a jealous child, pining for something in a marriage that she really needs. When Tybalt is killed by Romeo, Lady Capulet as one of the first on the scene seems a little overly prostrate with grief: â€Å"Tybalt, my cousin! O my brothers child! O prince! O cousin! Husband! O, the blood is spilt O my dear kinsman! Prince, as thou art true, For blood of ours, shed blood of Montague. O cousin, cousin! † Act 3, scene 1 lines 146-150. Shakespeare may not have intended the severe grief that Lady Capulet displays when Tybalt is murdered to mean that she felt more than just an aunt’s affection for him – this element of the storyline is interpreted differently depending on the director and audience it’s written for. It is easy to envisage that an arranged marriage would be so much more likely to encourage an affair outside of it, than a real love match would. However, one could also argue that marriage in modern times is taken so much more lightly than Shakespeare’s time, because of the easiness to terminate it if it doesn’t work. Therefore, it makes little difference which era the play is directed in (whether in Shakespeare’s era when affairs were so common because of so many loveless marriages, or in modern times where adultery is not punished and people can fall in and out of love almost recklessly) the likelihood of Lady Capulet having a relationship with her nephew is similar in both times. This could also be used as further proof that Shakespeare was ahead of his time – he was already subtly casting a slur over arranged marriages, perhaps because he had begun to realise the unhappiness that could ensue in these situations. A type of love that is often forgotten in this play, aside from the romance, is that of Platonic love – or friendship. Whether knowingly or not, Romeo seems to interact or be acquaintances with the largest number of characters – Mercutio as one of his closest friends, Benvolio his cousin, Balthazar his personal servant It is possible that Shakespeare was trying to show popularity in Romeo with people that no other character seemed to have, perhaps to show a contrast in hidden-away, obedient Juliet. On the other hand, this is a tragedy, so in true ironic Shakespearian manner the â€Å"lover not a fighter† character of Romeo still tragically dies in the arms of his love at the end. Of course before this, when Tybalt murders Mercutio, Romeo kills Tybalt – but with what motive? When Tybalt kills Mercutio, the platonic love Romeo feels for Mercutio drives him into this state of mind where all he wants to do is to hurt Tybalt, which for Romeo is quite out of character. â€Å"That late thou gavest me; for Mercutios soul Is but a little way above our heads, Staying for thine to keep him company: Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him. † Act 3, scene 1, lines 126-9 The audience sees this lovelorn, passionate man suddenly turn into an enraged murderer, which might not just have been out of anger. Romeo, having been taunted and sneered at by aggressive Tybalt and by the whole family for years, when he personally had done nothing particularly wrong might have just needed one push over the edge. He also makes some religious references in this quote to enhance the seriousness of the situation. Perhaps it was not just Mercutio he was avenging – it was himself as well. Also, an aspect that can be looked further into is whether or not Mercutio’s death was entirely Tybalt’s fault – or of his own free will. Due to the way in which he was brought up, he felt the need to fight to defend himself from the Montagues, who in actual fact were then secretly related to him. If his parents had not been so prejudiced, and not then passed on this trait to Tybalt, so much could have been avoided – and this problem is still true of today. For example, baptism can occur as young as a few months old in some religious cases, giving the child no chance to decide consciously for themselves, until it is too late. The parents and family are therefore forcibly passing on this faith whether or not the child will agree with it when they are older. Some interpretations of this scene differ in the length of the fighting and the way in which the deaths happen. In Franco Zeffirelli’s film of 1968 the fight between Mercutio and Tybalt starts out in a slightly mocking way – as if each opponent is unwilling to actually kill the other, but are slashing swords to make themselves look important; it is not a particularly serious and perilous fight, until Romeo comes between the two and Mercutio is stabbed, but it is made to look like an accident that wasn’t supposed to happen. Therefore, when Romeo says the above, Tybalt is made to understand that Romeo truly means to kill him. There is then a quite drawn-out fight scene in which Romeo is quite desperately lunging at Tybalt. However, Baz Luhrmann’s version of this had the actors directed to say and mean each line very seriously, as if death was the intention throughout the fights. There is some clever Dramatic Irony woven into these scenes as well, as when Romeo tries to tell Tybalt that they are related and receives violence back, the audience feels like shouting at them to stop and feels very involved in that particular scene. There are some quite harmful weapons involved, instead of the swords they would have had in Elizabethan Theatre – a dagger of glass pushed into Mercutio’s side for instance, and Tybalt was shot, no fight leading up to it. This differs quite greatly to Elizabethan theatre because firstly they had no guns to be carried around and shot at various times, and also that this huge swordfight was part of the entertainment – the Elizabethan audience’s love for the style and feel of this play would be broken if the heroes did not have a heroic death that befitted them! Lastly, but by no means least, the love that each house had for its power and wealth is the type of love that really is the reason that there was the story of Juliet and her Romeo . Sadly humans have an unvanquished, inauspicious love for money, and the fight for it seems to have been the reason that there was such rivalry and hatred between the two houses of Capulet and Montague. They were â€Å"both alike in dignity† (prologue line 1) but there is no given reason for why they hate each other so much. The servants who are of a lower social class even become involved, but the nurse and Friar Lawrence are impartial judges of the fights. Although the nurse is in the Capulet house, she only wants what is best for Juliet no matter who that involves. The Friar wishes there to be harmony between the houses, and says that he will marry Romeo and Juliet in the hope that this will occur: â€Å"For this alliance may so happy prove, To turn your households rancour to pure love. † Act 2 scene 3, lines 91-92. [ 31/01/2008 ] The Friar, like the nurse, is not as dependent on wealth and power, and as he loves his religion, this has taught him to see that humans are equal no matter what their class. This means his aims are not money based, but instead for happiness. It would not be untrue to say that Friar Lawrence is one of the â€Å"dark horse† characters who most understands love in this play, but is influenced by it to do what some would believe were foolish things – in desperation to help Juliet, he gives her the dangerous potion which effectively sends the lover’s path downhill to their awful ends. It really almost seems that no-one can think rationally in this play – love gets in the way of their judgement! In conclusion, Shakespeare has presented the theme of love by making his characters really believably human by showing how they feel all different types of love. His use of language, direction and moral and philosophical issues causes the audience to think: If there had been no hatred between the houses of Capulet and Montague, Romeo and Juliet would not have had to overcome this, so would their love have been as strong? â€Å"Does the fruit taste as sweet if it is not forbidden? †

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Inequality and American Democracy

Introduction The Americans are globally famous for their relentless support for democratic governance. Jacobs et al asserts that the ideals of democratically responsive governance are highly cherished by the American people (3). Ironically, the situation is markedly different within the American government even as they actively support democracy in other countries. With the growing inequality issues in the country, the ideals of democratic governance have been highly compromised.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and American Democracy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The major disparities existing are mostly noticeable within the public domain (Jacobs et al. 3). Primarily, the issue is about income differences, opportunities for wealth creation and equal citizenship (Jacobs et al. 3). These gaps are growing rapidly in the United States compared to any other country in the world. Yet the US still conside rs herself the world’s greatest advocates of democracy. The American government is making little or no progress in the efforts to realize the democratic ideals set forth by the founding fathers of the nation. Equal rights The American society is the most culturally diverse in the world and this comes with a number of challenges as well. There were steps made to achieve equality in the 1950s and 1960s at the height of racism. Racial segregation and exclusion became illegal and socially unacceptable hence moving a step towards equality (Jacobs et al. 4). This allowed the white and black community to access education in the same schools and get access to health services in the same health facilities. This was a good gesture towards democratic governance. It is also worth noting that major gender based barriers started to break down during the same time and women were empowered to pursue academic, political, and economic opportunities just as men did (Jacobs et al. 4). Other marg inalized groups like the Latin Americans also got access to equal rights on an equal footing with the rest of the Americans. Notably, the previous barriers that promoted inequalities such as race, gender, ethnicity to mention but a few do not exist today. Nonetheless, new barriers that are fostering inequality in the American society have emerged and they are rapidly spreading within the government and the country at large posing a threat to the realization of democracy. The greatest of these barriers is the gaps in income and wealth between the Americans (Jacobs et al. 4). The gap between the rich and the poor is greatly increasing owing to disparities in income especially in the private and the civil sectors. This gap is increasingly creating a major segregation in the job market as well as in schools and colleges. Apparently, the rich and the wealthy are better positioned to cease opportunities that are out of reach for the middle and lower income classes. Consequently, the rich are in a position to get richer while limiting access to resources by the poor man. That is why the saying that the rich will continue to get rich while the poor man becomes poorer is very true.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some element of racist treatments is also present in school among students. In America today, one has to work very hard in order to maintain his or her current economic position (Jacobs et al. 5). One would expect that through hard work, there would be an upward mobility in the economic ladder but that is not normally the case in the US. Inequality in contributions on national matters Voicing the needs of the American people has never been easy and only a selected few can do this. The opportunity to exercise one’s right in the US does not come easily as there are factors that influence the ear of the government. These factors include a high income, occup ational or career success, and high levels of academic achievements (Jacobs et al. 4). Members who fit in these criteria are more likely to participate in political, social, and economic decision-making process than the ordinary citizen is. Government officials are more likely to listen to the needs of such elite citizens and deliver on their demands more promptly. Unfortunately, this is the bitter truth and the reality of the American government amidst its call for democratic governance around the world. Voting turnout has also declined since the beginning of the 21st century when the income gap began to grow rapidly. Statistics show that the majority who vote are also the elite while the low-income earners decline to exercise their democratic right to cast their votes. How does the decline of voter turnout relate to inequality? A number of decisive factors discourage or make the voting process a struggle for the electorate. The economic inequality is a major factor that discourage s the less economically privileged eligible voters from voting. There are also some laws in some states that forbid the minority from voting and a good example is the law forbidding prisoners and former prisoners from voting (Verba, Lehman, and Brady 1). In addition, the current methods of campaigns are keen on raising funds and persuading the already existing voters to vote. A more different approach is necessary to woo the non-voting yet eligible voters to get out and exercise their rights. Through campaign contributions, the rich and wealthy folks have a leeway to express and voice their demands as the platform gives them an advantage over the poor folks. Today, one can only gain justice and political influence through money and affluence thus leaving the poor man out of the standard bar. The least contributors in the national campaigns are the poor ordinary citizens while the few political donors are in charge in the political arena due to their financial influence. In order to exercise the rights of citizenship, one requires resources and skills. These requirements are only accessible to the wealthy hence the inequality. People with higher education and great careers such as doctors and lawyers among other professional have more confidence to speak compared to an ordinary citizen working as subordinate staff. Naturally, the nature of American politics gives no voice to the poor while the rich and affluent get enough attention at the expense of the poor man.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and American Democracy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Jacobs et al argues that three quarters of the well-off citizens are in one way or another associated with an organization that has great influence on the political arena (10). They also noted in their research that half of the wealthiest people in America are in contact with public officials. This gives the rich double access to publ ic resources compared to the middle and low-income earners in the US (Freeman). Government responses Government officials are highly influenced by the privileged citizens. The response of the government today in America no longer represents the will of the majority. A selected few wealthy men and women determine the future of the vast majority which is not a principle of democracy. Money has become the essential for government attention. Ironically, the already wealthy and advantaged citizens who are able to take care of themselves are the most catered for by the government. Democratic rule should ensure equality and fairness with the majority influencing the political stands. Nonetheless, in America, it is a reversed role since the minorities hold the realms of power while the majorities ride under the mercies of the few wealthy citizens. Through money, the wealthy establish relationships with government officials creating a connection that enables them to access national resources that are out of the ordinary peoples reach. This gives them a further advantage despite the fact that they already have an advantage over the poor with their wealth and money. This disparity is among the issues that are widening the gap between the rich and the poor. The gap grows wider because the more one earns, the more they gain access to resources and consequently the further the resources get away from the poor man’s reach. The effect is cyclic in that one direction influences the other. The affluent also influence government policies as well and normally, policies will always consider the needs and demands of the wealthy business communities and organized groups (Frankenberg, Orfield, and Lee). The government is always bias when responding to national issues normally bending to the side that favors the rich (Skrentny). The government is moving towards a more tragic direction by allowing a few affluent individuals to take the country hostage. The lack of spread opportu nities and the gap between the rich and the poor is a disastrous condition in any economy. What this does is that the ordinary citizen will get discouraged and be reluctant to participate in national activities. This may include voting and working, which contributes to the national financial muscles, to mention but a few. Conclusion In the United States of America, democracy is only known theoretically and not as a practical state of affair. This paper has established the facts about government inequality and bias treatment of its citizens. The striking income disparity in the country is not a good example of a democratic nation since it is in contradiction with the idea of democracy. In the above research, it is clear that democracy is not as easy to achieve as it sounds and the quality of political leaders as well as the political will to pursue democratic governance highly counts.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The financial gap between the American citizens is creating a division not only affecting social interaction but also economic and political well-being. The voter turnout for instance has been on the decline since the beginning of the 21st century just when the gap begun to build up. This clearly means that income disparities greatly influence the political structure of a country. Democracy is a good leadership model that allows for equal social, economic, and political opportunities for all citizens without favoritism. The government under democratic principles must always work towards engaging the majority rule and open access of power and influence to the majority as opposed to a select few. That is the real essence of democratic governance. Works Cited Frankenberg, Erica, Chumgmei Lee, and Gary Orfield. A Multiracial Society with Segregated Schools: Are We Losing the Dream? Cambridge, MA: Harvard Civil Rights Project, 2002. Print. Freeman, Richard. Working under Different Rules. A National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report, New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994. Print. Jacobs, Lawrence, and Robert Shapiro. Politicians Don’t Pander Political Manipulation and the Loss of Democratic Responsiveness, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. Print. Jacobs, Lawrence et al. American Democracy in an Age of Rising Inequality.  Task Force on Inequality and American Democracy American Political Science Association. 5 Sep. 2012. Web. Skrentny, John. The Minority Rights Revolution, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002. Print. Verba, Sidney, Kay Lehman, and Henry Brady. Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995. Print. This essay on Inequality and American Democracy was written and submitted by user Joslyn Carver to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to get a job in medical billing

How to get a job in medical billing You’ve probably heard about how the healthcare job scene is growing by insane amount over the next 10 years. But if you’re not necessarily interested in the medical side of being an allied health professional, where does that leave you? The good news is that there are lots of administrative roles that are growing and opening right alongside the rest of the healthcare field. One such job is medical billing, because a fact of healthcare is that services need to be tracked and paid for accordingly. What does a medical biller do?Medical billers work behind the scenes in a medical office, hospital, or other healthcare facility. This is an administrative role, ensuring that patients (or their insurance companies) are accurately billed for the medical care they receive. Medical billing responsibilities may include:Tracking payment informationAssigning billing codes to a patient’s tests, procedures, and other healthcare servicesSubmitting and following up on invoices to patients and insurance companiesWorking with medical staff (like physicians and nurses) to ensure billing accuracyWorking with patients to set up payment plansMonitoring payment status and collectionsManaging patient records securely and accuratelyThis is typically a 9-to-5 kind of job, with a stable work week, since billers work primarily with data and patient information rather than in direct patient care.What skills do medical billers have?This is an entirely administrative role, so your skill set should be heavy on organization, attention to detail, and financial math.Organizational Skills:Â  Medical billers are responsible for ensuring that all medical procedures are billed accurately, whether to the patient or to the insurance company, so it’s important to have the ability to keep things moving cleanly and efficiently.Attention to Detail:Â  Errors in billing can lead to legal or financial problems, so it’s essential to be able to notice errors and confirm the a ccuracy of data before it goes out.Finance:Â  While this job typically doesn’t require advanced accounting, medical billers should have strong math skills and the ability to analyze billing and financial data.Discretion:Â  Healthcare information is usually highly confidential (and legally so), so medical billers need to be able to maintain that patient confidentiality at all times.What’s required to work in medical billing?Medical billing is a field you can enter without a college degree, though an associate’s degree in medical coding or health information technology can be an asset. Certification is not usually a requirement for medical billing clerks, but if you want to enhance your resume there is an optional certification by the AAPC (formerly known as the American Academy of Professional Coders).How much money do medical billers make?According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical billing professionals make a median annual salary of $38,040 (or $18.29 per hour).What’s the outlook for medical billers?Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for medical records and health information technicians (including billing professionals) will grow by 13% by 2024- faster than average for all jobs.If you want to work in the growing healthcare world, but find yourself drawn to the more administrative end of things, medical billing and coding can be a solid long-term choice for your health-related career path.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What Is the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)

What Is the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For students looking for a more challenging high school experience or for a chance to earn college credit, many high schools offer advanced college-level programs. The newest one of these is the Cambridge AICE, an international diploma program created via the University of Cambridge in England. Curious about whether this program is right for you? In this article, I'll explain the AICE approach, the coursework necessary to get the diploma, and how it compares to AP and IB classes. What Is the Cambridge AICE? AICE, which stands for Advanced International Certificate of Educationand is pronounced like the word "ace," is aset of challenging college-level classes forhigh school students. It was developed by Cambridge Assessment, a non-profit, non-teaching department of the University of Cambridge in England. Like theAP and IB programs, AICE was designed to give students the option to pursue a more rigorous and ambitiouscurriculumby teaching youkey skills to succeed in college-level work.At the same time, AICE classes and the diploma structure are flexible enough to let students tailor the coursework to their specific interests and strengths. Besides the academic and intellectual appeal of learning in greater depth, AICE lets you earn an advanced diploma toboost your college application. Italso has the potential toget you college credit or let you place out of intro courses once you're a freshman. However, because it is still a newer program, not all colleges viewAICE classes in the same way they do AP classes. You can use the Cambridge Assessments lookup tool tocheck whether your target college accepts AICE. Where Is AICE Offered? Currentlyin the US, AICE is primarily offered in Florida high schools,though there are several other schools offering the diploma scattered throughout the country. In Canada, AICE is only available in Toronto, but there are schools affiliated with AICE throughout the world, primarily in Great Britain. If you’re looking for a school that offers the AICE diploma, you can useCambridge Assessment’s lookup tool to find high schools around you. The Financial Benefits of AICE On top of its emphasis on flexible class offerings and its potential to strengthen your college application, AICE has several financial benefits as well. For one, AICE classes and exams are free for students- your school pays all the fees for this program! For students in Florida, an AICE Diploma is a great way to secure some money for college.If you've earned the diploma and completed 100 hours of community service, you will automatically qualify for the Florida Academic Scholars Award viathe Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. But you don't need to earn the AICE diploma to get this scholarship. Some combinations of AICE coursework, community service hours, and minimum scores on the SAT/ACT are also ways to win Florida Bright Futures awards. How Do You Enroll in the AICE Program? You can't sign up for AICE on your own but instead mustrely on your school to provide it- the same way your schooleither does or doesn't provide Honors and AP classes. If your school wants to sign up to offer AICE classes to students, your principal or head of school can go tothe website that explains how to have your school join. AICE is not guaranteed to teach you to levitate books, but there's nothing stopping you from using that argument to convince your principal to sign up. How Is AICE Structured? The AICE program is made up of one-year classes called AS Levels, andtwo-year classes called A Levels. AICE classes can be taken individually, or you can take the two-year program and get an AICE diploma. There are some classes that can be started at the AS Level and then extended to the A Level later. What Are the Classes Like? AICE classes put a lot of emphasis on writing, critical thinking, and delving deep into their subjects. AICE classes aren't very rigidly structured, and AICE exams are somewhat modular. This flexibilitygives teachers a lot more room to spend extra time investigating what seems to be interesting to students and leaving out or shortening other course sections. Individual Classes vs Full Diploma With AICE, you get the choice of either taking individual classes from their course menu, or doing the full course of study needed to get the diploma. If you decide to just take individual AICE classes, colleges will treat them just as they do individual AP classes. These courses will add rigor to your transcript, count more in your weighted GPA, and show colleges that you are willing to challenge yourself and are a motivated student. Getting the AICE diploma requires a much bigger investment of time and effort. But, since each class was designed to be part of the program, the skills and knowledge you learn from one class will benefit you in others. Also, the classes are structured to fit together to give you a more rounded perspective on global issues. To get the AICE full diploma, you need toearn seven course credits within a 25-month period (previously thefull diploma only required six credits). One of these seven credits needs to bethe mandatory core class Global Perspectives and Research. Working on the core was mandatory, but Joe couldn't help feeling a little silly digging around inside a giant apple. What Classes Can You Take? If you're going for the full AICE diploma, the one class you will have to take is the Cambridge International AS and A Level Global Perspectives and Research. This class is the core of the program. But don't worry- it's less a content-heavy class and more a skills-building workshop. In Global Perspectives and Research, you first pick three global topics out of 30 options,such as artificial intelligence, international sport, tourism, and many others. Then, you conduct research to examine these topics from different perspectives, such as the economic impact, ethical dilemmas, environmental forecasts, and so on. Finally, you write a paper, take an exam, and do a group project about your research. All the other classes are your choice. These fall into four groups: Group 1: Mathematics and Sciences Group 2: Languages Group 3: Arts and Humanities Group 4: Interdisciplinary In order to earnthe diploma, you'll need at least one credit each fromGroups 1, 2, and 3. You can have at most two credits from Group 4. Other than that, anything goes. For example, if you're a math whiz, you can load up on the Mathematics and Sciences classes, and only take one class from the Languages Group and one from the Arts and Humanities Group. What do you mean, that's an overload of math? There's no such thing as an overload of math! Here are all the available classes in the AICE Diploma program: Group 1: Mathematics and Sciences Group 2: Languages Group 3: Arts and Humanities Group 4: Interdisciplinary and Skills-BasedSubjects Biology Afrikaans Accounting English General Paper Chemistry Arabic Art and Design Global Perspectives and Research Computer Science Chinese Business Thinking Skills Design and Technology English Language Classical Studies Environmental Management French Design and Textiles Further Mathematics German Digital Media and Design Information Technology Hindi Divinity Marine Science Japanese Language Economics Mathematics Language and Literature in English Environmental Management Physical Education Marathi Food Studies Physical Science Portuguese French Literature Physics Spanish Geography Psychology Tamil Hindi Literature Urdu Hinduism History Islamic Studies Language and Literature in English Law Literature in English Media Studies Music Nepal Studies Portuguese Literature Physical Education Psychology Sociology Spanish Literature Travel and Tourism How Does Grading Work? In each class, you'll do a variety of graded work. In addition to final exams, students write essays, create presentations, and do group projects. Most of this work is graded by your teacher, but some of the essays, presentations, and all the exams are sent away to be graded by Cambridge Assessment. In each class, the range of passing grades goes from A* to E. A* is the AICE version of an A+. Getting an E is basically like getting a C in normal US grading, or like getting a 3 on an AP exam. Depending on your individual AICE class grades, your full diploma will be awarded with Distinction, with Merit, or Pass. The more ornate the certificate, the greater the diploma honors. Distinction diplomas come studded with emeralds and feature a gilded background of the full text ofHamlet. Should You Take AICE? If the only advanced curriculum that your school offers is the AICE program, you should definitely sign up for as many courses as you can reasonably handle and do well in. The classes are similar to AP and IB classes in difficulty level, and colleges love seeing transcripts that show your willingness to tackle hard classes and manage a heavier workload. But what if you have to choose between AICE, AP, and IB? I will lay out the pros and cons of each to help you decide. Should You Take AICE or AP? First, let's talk about the differences between theAICE and AP programs. AICE is designed almost in opposition to the way AP classes are structured. The AICE Diploma is a program rather thana random selection of classes. This means that it can offerclasses in niche subjects, such as tourism and marine science, and then fit those classes into an overall globally minded framework. Also, unlike AP classes, which tend to go wide and broad in their subject areas, AICE classes are more narrow and focused. AICE classes stress essay writing and project-based learning over rote memorization and multiple-choice exams. Because of this, teachers can dive deep into details and deemphasize others, depending on student interest. According to some students, this also means that the AICE exams seem easier- as long as you have a well-reasoned, supported argument and can write well, your answers should get a good score. Finally,whereas college credit for AP classes is based on the score you get on the AP exam, college credit for AICE classes is based on passing the exam, not on the specific score you receive. In other words, a 3 on an AP exam probably won't get you college credit in more selective colleges, but an E in an AICE class might. If you have the choice between AP and AICE, pick AP if: You are a very good test taker who does best with fact-based learning You are interested in a subject AP offers and AICE doesn't offer An excellent teacher is teaching the AP level You've already taken the AICE level of a particular class but are now interested in getting a broader overview of the same subject Your target collegesdo not recognize AICE Pick AICE if: You are interested in getting the full diploma You would like to learn about a subject from a global perspective You want toimprove your writing and public-speaking skills You aren't sure you can get a 5 on an AP exam but would like to try for college credit or advanced placement You live in Florida and canbenefit financially from the Bright Futures Scholarship Florida: land of Disney, sea cows, and free college money for good students. Should You Take AICE or IB? The IB and AICE programs are much more similar than they are different in the way they both approach teaching and the curricula of their classes. The main distinguishing characteristic of AICE is that Cambridge Assessments is notably vocal in its concerns abouthomework load, which is something IB doesn't address. AICE homework is designed to maximize yourlearning without unnecessary repetition or busywork. The designers of AICE talk a lot aboutstudentneed to have time for extracurricular activities as well asfamily and social lives. AICE is also more flexible for students who have strengths in certain subject areas. Unlike with the IB program, with AICE you can get the AICE Diploma by taking mostly classes in the subject group where your strengths or interests lie. If you have a choice between IB and AICE, pick IB if: You are interested in a more structuredprogram in which you won't have to design your own course of study An amazing teacher is teaching your school's IB program Your targetcolleges do not recognize AICE Pick AICE if: You'd like more flexibility in designing your own course of study You aren't sure if you want to go for the full diploma and would like the option of taking individual classes You are interested in starting some classes at the one-year AS Level before committing to the two-year A Level You live in Florida and canbenefit financially from the Bright Futures Scholarship Why buy the A-Level cow when you can get the AS-Level milk for free? What’s Next? Did you know that the AP also has a diploma program? Check outour complete guide to AP Capstone anda complete list of the schools that offer it. Interested in learning everything you can about all the different advanced placement options? Readour explanation of the International Baccalaureate. Wondering how all of your advanced placement classes will benefit you once you get to college? We’ve gotthe scoop on how colleges treat AP credits. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Adult Bible study on part of the Book of John Coursework

Adult Bible study on part of the Book of John - Coursework Example egan to form which identified him with  John the Apostle.  This understanding remained in place until the end of the 18th century.3 Today the majority of scholars do not believe that John or any other eyewitness wrote it, and trace it instead to a "Johannine community" which traced its traditions to John. The gospel developed over time in various stages showing signs of having been composed in three layers, reaching its final form about 90-100 AD 4 and summarized by  Raymond Brown  as follows: 5 as â€Å"Signs Gospel.†7 This hypothetical "Signs Gospel" of Christs miracles, independent of the synoptic gospels, is believed to have been circulating before the year 70 AD. Bultmanns conclusion was controversial, nevertheless, scholars such as Raymond Brown continue to consider this hypothesis, plausible. They believe the original of the "Signs Gospel"   to be by the â€Å"beloved disciple† arguing that the disciple who formed this community was a companion of Jesus Christ from John 21:24 which states that the â€Å"beloved disciple† wrote an account of the life of Jesus.   However, this disciple died unexpectedly, necessitating that a revised gospel be written (John 21:23). Paul Anderson believes, it may be that John â€Å"is the source" of the Johannine tradition but "not the final writer of the tradition."8   Scholars are no longer looking for the identity of a single writer but for numerous authors involved in the gospels development over a period of time and in several

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reflection Paper on Social Change through Immigrant Integration Essay

Reflection Paper on Social Change through Immigrant Integration - Essay Example However, in doing so, the organization walks the fine line between what Skerry has acknowledged as a propensity to "help" or "hassle" that is, the institute definitely has the means by which to assist immigrants, but must be careful not to impose the predominant culture in a condescending manner with the intent to either belittle or eradicate the immigrants' cultural heritage. If for no other reason than a closed system stagnates, the community as a whole is revitalized through embracing new perspectives. The goal of the institute should therefore be to offer a means of integration by first providing services that provide guidance to the present civic structure, second provide cultural access through which the immigrants might become familiar with more local customs, and lastly by encouraging a continuation of immigrant traditions and customs while making these as open as possible to the indigenous community. The purpose of these three approaches is to promote understanding and appre ciation between the two communities. Skerry has referenced Will Herberg's observation that " in America religion was a more acceptable basis of group identity than ethnicity or race." (p. 33) and does so to analyze the level of success achieved by the Latino based Resurrection Project. This project, affiliated with the Catholic Church, has created a feedback loop through which the community has been instructed by the church to avail itself of the organization; the organization then has assisted the community with economic incentives and guidance through certain legalities. The organization has attached conditionals to their assistance that, although these can be regarded as "hassles", ultimately tie the immigrants back into both the civic community and the Church's moral guidelines. The essential lesson of this example has been the use of cultural touchstones. The surrounding community became much more willing to accommodate the Latino community, partly because it had created a structured organization, but mostly becau se it was associated with a recognized organization: the Catholic Church. In an institutes efforts to promote immigrant integration, focus must be paid to such universal touchstones of human experience. Religion has certainly been one, but so are performances of music and art or festivals involving tradition (and more importantly food). Aside from these cultural events, people have always gathered over such shared concerns as children's welfare and education or the availability of healthcare. The extent of an institute's responsibility to promote immigrant integration hinges primarily on providing these opportunities for understanding. When different communities are allowed to gather formatters they share in common, they have taken the first step in recognizing their similarities. As this happens, immigrants become more familiar with local methods and attitudes, thereby growing more comfortable with learning about the new environment and how to unction within it. Yet the responsibility of integration must be equally shared by the immigrant as well. The indigenous

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Review of Job Satisfaction Essay Example for Free

The Review of Job Satisfaction Essay Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facing today’s managers when it comes to managing their employees. Many studies have demonstrated an unusually large impact on the job satisfaction on the motivation of workers, while the level of motivation has an impact on productivity, and hence also on performance of business organizations. Unfortunately, in our region, job satisfaction has not still received the proper attention from neither scholars nor managers of various business organizations. Key words: job satisfaction, Employees, performance Introduction: Research indicates that employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to stay with their employers. According to this survey, 86% of employees indicated overall satisfaction with their current position, with 41% of employees reporting they were very satisfied. What’s more, majority of employees reported that the current economic climate has not made any difference in their level of satisfaction—and this is good news for employers, especially during the economically challenging time. It is not surprising that during the current economic downturn, which some have compared to the 1929 Great Depression, employees selected job security for the second consecutive year as the most important aspect of their job satisfaction. Benefits, compensation/pay, opportunities to use skills and abilities and feeling safe in the work environment rounded off employees’ top five very important job satisfaction contributors—nearly identical to the top five of 2008. Factors that were not strongly connected to employees’ overall job satisfaction were organization’s commitment to a ‘green’ workplace, networking, career development opportunities, paid training and tuition reimbursement programs, and organization’s commitment to professional development. Despite its vide usage in scientific research, as well as in everyday life, there is still no general agreement regarding what job satisfaction is. In fact there is no final definition on what job represents. Therefore before a definition on job satisfaction can be given , the nature and importance of work as a universal human activity must be considered. Different authors have different approaches towards defining job satisfaction. Some of the most commonly cited definitions on job satisfaction are analysed in the text that follows. Job satisfaction as any combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job. According to this approach although job satisfaction is under the influence of many external factors, it remains something internal that has to do with the way how the employee feels. That is job satisfaction presents a set of factors that cause a feeling of satisfaction. Vroom in his definition on job satisfaction focuses on the role of the employee in the workplace. Thus he defines job satisfaction as affective orientations on the part of individuals toward work roles which they are presently occupying (Vroom, 1964). One of the most often cited definitions on job satisfaction is the one given by Specter according to whom job satisfaction has to do with the way how people feel about their job and its various aspects. It has to do with the extent to which people like or dislike their job. That’s why job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction can appear in any given work situation. Job satisfaction represents a combination of positive or negative feelings that workers have towards their work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization, brings with it the needs, desires and experiences which determinates expectations that he has dismissed. Job satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match the real awards. Job satisfaction is closely linked to that individuals behavior in the work place. Job satisfaction is a worker’s sense of achievement and success on the job. It is generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal well-being. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and being rewarded for one’s efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one’s work. Job satisfaction is the key ingredient that leads to recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other goals that lead to a feeling of fulfillment. Job satisfaction can be defined also as the extent to which a worker is content with the rewards he or she gets out of his or her job, particularly in terms of intrinsic motivation. The term job satisfactions refer to the attitude and feelings people have about their work. Positive and favorable attitudes towards the job indicate job satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable attitudes towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about their current job. People’s levels of degrees of job satisfaction can range from extreme satisfaction to extreme dissatisfaction. In addition to having attitudes about their jobs as a whole. People also can have attitudes about various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they do, their co-workers, supervisors or subordinates and their pay. Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept which can mean different things to different people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the nature of this relationship is not clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. Job satisfaction is more of an attitude, an internal state. It could, for example, be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either quantitative or qualitative. We consider that job satisfaction represents a feeling that appears as a result of the perception that the job enables the material and psychological needs . Job satisfaction can be considered as one of the main factors when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness of business organizations. In fact the new managerial paradigm which insists that employees should be treated and considered primarily as human beans that have their own wants, needs, personal desires is a very good indicator for the importance of job satisfaction in contemporary companies. When analyzing job satisfaction the logic that a satisfied employee is a happy employee and a happy employee is a successful employee. Job satisfaction is under the influence of a series of factors such as: The nature of work, Salary, Advancement opportunities, Management, Work groups and Work conditions. A somewhat different approach regarding the factors of job satisfaction is provided by Rue and Byars, Figure 4. When talking about factors of job satisfaction the fact that they can also job dissatisfaction must be kept in mind. Therefore the issue weather job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are two opposite and excludable phenomena? There is no consensus regarding this issue among authors. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory is probably the most often cited point of view. In fact the main idea is that employees in their work environment are under the influence of factors that cause job satisfaction and factors that cause job dissatisfaction. Therefore al factors that have derived from a large empirical research and divided in factors that cause job satisfaction (motivators) and factors that cause job dissatisfaction (hygiene factors)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Symptoms and Epidemiology of Tuberculosis :: Essays on TB

Abstract: Since one third of the world's population is infected with the bacteria of Tuberculosis, many people would like to know if they are being infected. This is why it is important to know the symptoms and epidemiology. Once people are informed and educated, they will know how to take care of themselves in order to prevent this disease to infect them. This paper will basically talk about who is vulnerable to this disease and what the symptoms are. Furthermore, it will have some studies and quotes. The first step to understanding Tuberculosis is to know exactly what the disease is. According to NOAH ( New York Online Access to Health), ?Having TB infections means that the TB germs are in the body but they are in an inactive state. After TB germs enter the body, in most cases, body defenses control the germs by building a wall around them the way a scab forms over a cut. The germs can stay alive inside these walls for years in an inactive state. While TB germs are inactive, they can?t do damage, and they can?t spread to other people. The person is infected but not sick. He/she probably won?t even know that He/she is infected. Millions of Americans have TB infection. For most of them, the germs will always be inactive.? About one third of the world?s population carry the Tuberculosis bacteria, although most never develop the active tuberculosis disease. Knowing this, many would like to be aware of the symptoms and epidemiology in order to know if they are being infected by this horrible disease. Basically anybody is at risk for contracting Tuberculosis. In terms of age, the two most vulnerable groups for getting infected are seniors and young children. The reason they are more vulnerable to this disease than other people is because their immune systems are not strong. This does not mean that only young children and elders are the 2 only one that will get this disease. According to the Lancet Publishing Group, division of Elsevier Science Ltd, infants with Tuberculosis meningitis continue to have high mortality and morbidity, with deaths happening in about 15% of patients and up to 50% of infants left with serious neurological sequelae.? There are other types of groups that are vulnerable. People with HIV/AIDS or diabetes are also vulnerable to contracting Tuberculosis. This is also due to their weakened immune systems. In terms of gender, both men and women are equally likely to contract this disease. Symptoms and Epidemiology of Tuberculosis :: Essays on TB Abstract: Since one third of the world's population is infected with the bacteria of Tuberculosis, many people would like to know if they are being infected. This is why it is important to know the symptoms and epidemiology. Once people are informed and educated, they will know how to take care of themselves in order to prevent this disease to infect them. This paper will basically talk about who is vulnerable to this disease and what the symptoms are. Furthermore, it will have some studies and quotes. The first step to understanding Tuberculosis is to know exactly what the disease is. According to NOAH ( New York Online Access to Health), ?Having TB infections means that the TB germs are in the body but they are in an inactive state. After TB germs enter the body, in most cases, body defenses control the germs by building a wall around them the way a scab forms over a cut. The germs can stay alive inside these walls for years in an inactive state. While TB germs are inactive, they can?t do damage, and they can?t spread to other people. The person is infected but not sick. He/she probably won?t even know that He/she is infected. Millions of Americans have TB infection. For most of them, the germs will always be inactive.? About one third of the world?s population carry the Tuberculosis bacteria, although most never develop the active tuberculosis disease. Knowing this, many would like to be aware of the symptoms and epidemiology in order to know if they are being infected by this horrible disease. Basically anybody is at risk for contracting Tuberculosis. In terms of age, the two most vulnerable groups for getting infected are seniors and young children. The reason they are more vulnerable to this disease than other people is because their immune systems are not strong. This does not mean that only young children and elders are the 2 only one that will get this disease. According to the Lancet Publishing Group, division of Elsevier Science Ltd, infants with Tuberculosis meningitis continue to have high mortality and morbidity, with deaths happening in about 15% of patients and up to 50% of infants left with serious neurological sequelae.? There are other types of groups that are vulnerable. People with HIV/AIDS or diabetes are also vulnerable to contracting Tuberculosis. This is also due to their weakened immune systems. In terms of gender, both men and women are equally likely to contract this disease.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Inventory system Essay

INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE In today’s generation, we are engaged in highly computerized technology aiming to enhance individual lifestyle and most especially in the world of business. Certainly, there are plenty of small retail outlets, manufacturers, and other businesses that continue to rely on manual means of inventory tracking. Many companies and businesses are using sales monitoring and inventory systems for their success and growth. It is an effective way for monitoring sales and tracking different products and materials that are transferred in and out of a company’s warehouse or establishment. Moreover, a sales monitoring and inventory system promotes effective inventory control which ensures stocking the marketable and correct items in correct quantities. This system can help the company to avoid overstocking. When a company overstocks, money is wasted since procuring, storing, and accounting for unneeded items require time, space, and money which could have been used on more favourable and marketable assets. Having a developed system on sales monitoring and inventory makes the company more productive, efficient and convenient both to the company and its client. The sales and inventory system is meant to help the company employees and personnel to show customers more relevant items, hoping to expedite and increase the sales and most importantly to increase the profit of the company. With the aid of a sales monitoring and inventory systems, product management will be more consistent, reliable and efficient. Soundpoint Electronics and General Merchandise is a retail enterprise located at Brgy. Taboc, Borongan City, owned and managed by Mr. Crisanto Jose C. Labro. The computerization of their existing system is one of the primary reason why I conducted this study. I believed that with the computerized sales monitoring and inventory system, the problems met on the existing system will lessen and eventually eliminate. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to solve the following existing manual sales monitoring and inventory problems: 1. Their present sales and inventory system is highly labor intensive because they require continuous monitoring on their business enterprise on a daily basis. 2. In terms of their sales transactions, the only record that they have are the customer’s official receipts and the problem with that is not all customer’s ask for an official receipt. They cannot determine how much their total earnings are at the end of the day because their records or the official receipts that they keep are not complete. 3. Lack of security in terms of their sales and their products. The business owner will find it difficult to see if some products are lacking or missing because they don’t have any written records about the available products. 4. Unreliable inventory and sales report. Because they don’t have a complete records of their inventory and sales transactions, they cannot produce any inventory or sales report that are really consistent and dependable. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study was conducted at Soundpoint Electronics and General Merchandise located at Brgy. Taboc, Borongan City. This was conducted during the first semester of school year 2013 – 2014. The proposed sales monitoring and inventory system will: 1. This can no longer be highly labor intensive because with the aid of the sales monitoring and inventory system, they can monitor their sales and determine their lacking and unavailable products with the accurate reports that the system will generate. 2. After each customer transaction, the system will generate an official receipt and from then, they will be able to have a record and they can now determine their earnings. 3. Promote data security in terms of making the files always updated and easy to locate to provide a faster mean of doing the inventory. Unauthorized employees and persons will not be able to use the system unless under the supervision of the business enterprise owner. 4. Enable to produce accurate reports. A sales report to know the earnings of the business enterprise daily, weekly, monthly and yearly and an inventory report to see  what products are lacking and unavailable. However this sales monitoring and inventory system will not cover the following: 1. Payroll report of the employees. 2. Ordering of the needed / lacking products in the business enterprise. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY SOUNDPOINT ELECTRONICS AND GEN. MERCHANDISE This study will greatly contribute to the management in improving its level of sales and inventory management consistency, efficiency, accuracy and convenience in providing and giving services to owner, employees and customers. PROPONENT This study will help the proponent understand and appreciate the importance of the sales monitoring and inventory system for all business enterprises and establishments. This study will also improve her knowledge and experience in thesis writing as well as creating the Sales Monitoring and Inventory System. FUTURE RESEARCHERS This study will greatly help the future researchers to be aware on how important a sales and inventory systems in a certain business enterprise.  This study can be a reference to the future researchers who undertake studies in the same nature, also as contribution for other topics/areas. In addition to this, it will offer essential information and learning experiences to the future researchers, to expand their knowledge in the fields of System Analysis and Design and Software Development. And the study will also help the future researchers to gather significant information and to learn more about the problems that most business enterprises encountered in their sales and inventory management. CUSTOMERS The customers will be benefited in a way that their processes and  transactions in the business enterprise will be much easier and faster because of the computerized sales monitoring and inventory system. SUPPLIERS This study will also be helpful to the product suppliers in terms of in every product name, the name of the supplier or the company of the supplier will be seen. If the time comes that the products are already lacking in the business enterprise, the proprietor will know who the suppliers are and can contact the suppliers immediately. DEFINITION OF TERMS Accuracy- the ability to be precise and avoid errors Complexity- the condition of being difficult to analyse, understand and solve Computer- machine that perform tasks, such as calculations or electronic communication, under the control of a set of instructions called a program Computerize – to store information in a computer system or process it by a computer Convenience – the quality of being or making things easy, useful, or of increasing comfort Customer – a person or company that buys goods or services Data – information, a form that is suitable for storage in or processing by a computer Employee – a paid worker End User – a person or group that is one of the ultimate consumers or users that a software product has been designed for Feasible – capable of being achieved or put into effect Gantt Chart – a chart in which horizontal lines show the actual and projected amounts of time involved in completing a particular task or reaching specific levels of production Inventory System – are tracking systems that inform you of the amount of raw materials, supplies or final products you have readily available Manageability – able to be handled or controlled without much difficulty Manufacture – a factory, person, or organization that produces finished goods from raw materials, especially on large industrial scale Marketable Assets – products that fit to be sold, in demand and therefore relatively easy to sell Monitoring Staff- an  employee or personnel who checks for incorrect and damage products Personnel – the people employed in an organization, business or armed force Products – items sold in a store Proponent- the student who analyzes and researches in great detail in order to understand and discover more about this study Proprietor – the owner of a commercial enterprise or establishment Reference – a source of information Researcher – a person who study something methodically Suppliers- a person that provides or sells available or needed products by a company or any retail enterprises Utilize- to make use of something or find a practical or effective use of something

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Aung Sang Suu Kyi †Freedom from Fear Essay

It is simply not debatable that Aung Sang Suu Kyi speech, â€Å"Freedom from Fear† should be included in the category of â€Å"Communities and contexts: how ideas are generated through words†. I will show you why this is. Aung Sang Suu Kyi uses a substantial amount of pathos in her speech. When she combines pathos, antithesis and a lack of fear, she forms a speech that reaches out to people not only in her own country of Burma but also the whole UK Government and its allied nations. This is evident through her quote, â€Å"It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it. † Through this we can see that she is calling the audience to think and therefore engaging the listeners to hear more about what she has to say. Also in the title of the speech in its self it portrays antithesis, showing that â€Å"Freedom from Fear† implies that there is always another way to go. In the Buddhist teachings on which Aung San Suu Kyi draws there are four ways in which we can forget our principles and be corrupted. We may be led by our selfish desires, by ill will and a desire to harm our enemies, by ignorance or by fear. She shows us that fear is most ominous and it’s certainly the greatest weapon of any cruelties. Aung Sang Suu Kyi tells us how the Burmese government subdue people by instilling fear of arrest, torture and death, aiming to foster the apathy and subservience that add up to a kind of moral corruption. In saying this Pathos is employed in a way, which Aung Sang Suu Kyi connects with her audience, for example, â€Å"If ideas and beliefs are to be denied validity outside the geographical and cultural bounds of their origin, Buddhism would be confined to north India, Christianity to a narrow tract in the Middle East and Islam to Arabia. † By mentioning different countries Aung Sang Suu Kyi helps to personify the worlds sorrow, and also shows the fear of Xenophobes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dreams in Of Mice and Men Essays

Dreams in Of Mice and Men Essays Dreams in Of Mice and Men Essay Dreams in Of Mice and Men Essay Essay Topic: Animal Dreams Of Mice and Men Dreams are like goals we want to reach. In John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Menthe characters Lennie, Candy, and Curley’s wife have dreams that didnt come true. Of Mice and Men is about two best friends Lennie and George. They work on the ranch where all the trouble starts. They have a dream that they will have a piece of land that has animals. The characters of Lennie, Candy, and Curley’s Wife had dreams that have motivated them to work hard. Lennie’s dream motivated him. Lennie is a large man who is mentally challenged. George repeats his and Lennie’s dream when he says â€Å"Someday we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an a cow and some pigs† (pg 14). This is important because Lennie stays out of trouble and makes him happy. This quote makes me think that Lennie is feeling excited and happy because he gets to take care of the rabbits. George tells Lennie â€Å"When we get a coupla of acres i can let you tend the rabbitis all right. (pg 15). This is important because George is giving Lennie responsibilities and he likes soft things. Lennie’s dream is similar to Candy’s dream because they want a better life. Lennie’s dream is different to Candy’s dream because he doesnt want to tend the rabbits. Lennie’s dream is similar to Curley’s Wife because they want a better life. Lennie’s dream is different to Curley’s Wife dream because she want to be a actress. In the next paragraph will discuss Candy’s dream. Candy’s dream gave him motivation and hope. Candy is a lonely swamper with a crippled hand. Candy’s feeling useless working at the ranch â€Å"s’oose i went in with you guys. Tha’s three hundred and fifty bucks i’d put in† (pg 59). This is important because Candy wants a gobetter life and wants to join the dream. This quote makes me think Candy is hopeful because he wants to join Lennie and George. Knowing that he is crippled Candy says â€Å"i

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Absolute Moral Rules - 1954 Words | Bartleby

padding-top-2"> Absolute Moral Rules One may believe that an absolute rule against killing humans is essential because killing is always evil and inhumane. Others believe that there are great exceptions to killing humans, such as self-defense, that need to be taken into account when making an absolute rule about killing humans. If someone tries to kill your family member or tries to kill you, should you stand there and die because you do not want to violate the absolute rule, even if your reason behind breaking the rule brings about more happiness and outweighs the consequences of breaking the rule? Immanuel Kant believes that good will, what he sees to be the ultimate intrinsic good, along with following the categorical imperative determine whether show more content Kant argues that the right action is one that follows the categorical imperative, in this case, abiding by the moral rule not to kill anyone. Kant believes that no matter the circumstance, if humans violate the categorical imperative, and there are bad consequences, they are responsible for these consequences. If humans act under the categorical imperative and there are still bad consequences, they are not responsible because they abide by their duty- to follow the exceptionless moral rule. The only way to violate the moral rule is if the individual breaking the rule creates a new maxim, in which, for instance, it is always permissible to kill under self-defense. The issue with this new absolute rule is that by saying humans can kill in self-defense are the intentions of the humans good-willed or are their intentions faulty? Also, is killing under self-defense really going to bring about a new universal maxim in which everyone can kill under self-defen se, no matter the circumstance? It would be impossible to create this self-defense universal maim because creating this new maxim would just bring about new exceptions within that rule. Utilitarians, on the other hand, go against Kant’s idea that there should be absolute moral rules. They believe that moral rules should be followed if the consequence for one’s action brings about the most happiness and the least amount of pain. In Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill The War Of The World War I - 1593 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> An advocate can be defined as a person who pleads on another’s behalf. Advocates are important in today 's society as they provide representation for the disadvantaged and foster a sense of hope for change in the world. During his life Wilfred Owen, the famous war poet, lived under many titles: he was a son, a brother, a student, a teacher, a fighter, an inpatient, a war poet and most importantly, an advocate. This essay addresses his most eminent poems, contrasting the ways in which war was promoted versus the true reality of war, as well as the ways in which Owen gave a voice to the men dying in futile war. Volunteer recruitment and conscription for World War 1 began in 1914 and continued until 1918, when World War 1 came to an end. Historically, war was portrayed as being heroic, and in some senses, adventurous. Boys as young as 16 falsified their age in order to fight, 18 year old men joined with parental permission, and 21 year old men joined on their own terms. Word of mouth, pressure from society, as well as Australian war promotion slogans such as â€Å"Boys, come over here, you’re wanted!† and "Get into khaki, we’re doing our bit!† acted as bait to lure young men into battle. The naive, selfless nature of these young fighters was constantly taken advantage of. They were not told about the trenches, the lack of food, the bone chilling cold, the shrapnel, the shell-shock or the dull ache of missing loved ones that would be ever-present in their chests. Owen, like many

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Drug abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Drug abuse - Essay Example Drug abuse is common especially among the youth in the underprivileged societies and the effects of drugs, though many can be successfully combatted and dealt within the community. The major aim of the essay is to investigate the effects of drug abuse in the poor neighborhoods and come up solutions to counter this problem in any way possible. Drug abuse is most common among the poor societies. Poor people get involved in drugs due to various reasons and the major reason is peer pressure especially among the youth. Most youths believe that taking drugs make them look and appear cool among their peers. They feel the pressure to take drugs so that they can fit in with the rest of their friends. They mostly get into drugs without looking into the repercussions. Others are influenced by their family member especially in families with a history of drug abuse. The child in a poor society does not get to have proper role models to advise them and to lead them to a more peaceful and drug-free life. Other people take drugs so that they can forget their problems if only temporarily. Drugs offer a temporary solution to forgetting the deeper issues that they need to deal with. According to Fiellin and Sindelar, drug abuse causes a lot of problems where the medical and psychological impacts of drug abuse are very obvious. A drug addict cannot operate and function in the same way that other human beings do. The effects of drugs cloud their judgment and they are bound to make mistakes and wrong choices in the society. For instance, a drug user is likely to engage in crime in order to buy drugs. Alternatively, they are also likely to engage in sexual activities that they would not engage in under normal circumstances. Drug users do not take care of their families and they do neglect their duties such as taking care of their children. The urge to take drugs takes precedence over everything else in their lives. If the drug addict is the bread winner of the house, then the